Earlier this week I popped into my son’s school to read our latest publication – the wonderful illustrated children’s book Go To Sleep! by Marion Adams – to his classmates. It was a real honour to read the book to a group of five-year-olds, all of whom listened attentively to the story from start to finish! One bright boy even guessed the ending and shouted out the twist, which amused me!
All of the kids said they enjoyed the story, which is about a young sheep called Tansy who forgets how to sleep, and they promised me that the next time they can’t sleep at night, they will try Tansy’s technique of counting sheep.
Have you bought your copy of Go To Sleep! yet? It’s available in both paperback and digital formats and it has picked up lots of rave reviews already both on Amazon and on review websites like Readers’ Favorite and The Bookbag.